Purchasing auto insurance can be a confusing process. Questions may arise about what each coverage section implies and how they respond in the event that you are involved in an accident. The auto liability insurance coverage section doesn’t need to be overly complicated. This article focuses on explaining the differences between split limits for auto liability coverage and combined single limits for auto liability coverage.
Auto insurance policies contain liability coverage. This coverage is triggered when you hit someone or a piece of property and you are negligent or at fault. This coverage can be written on a split limit basis or on a combined single limit basis. An example of a split limit liability policy would be $250,000 limit for bodily injury per person, $500,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $250,000 for property damage coverage. This would be represented as $250,000/$500,000/$250,000 on your auto insurance declarations page.
An example of a combined single limit policy, or commonly referred to as CSL, for liability would look like $500,000 CSL on your auto insurance declarations page. If you are involved in an accident on a combined single limit policy, bodily injury and property damage would be paid out of the $500,000 limit of coverage.
Understanding these differences and the implications they have for you is critical when purchasing an auto insurance policy. Give us a call, or simply, Request a Quote and one of our licensed team members will work with you to construct the right auto insurance policy for your needs.